Montana is a wonderful place to explore, for everyone regardless of their ability. The purpose of this blog is to share information to anyone who wants to experience everything Montana has to offer.

Saturday, April 13, 2013

Welcome to MTBarrierFree

When we were younger, my husband Frank and I considered Montana our back yard.  Every chance we got, we were out fishing, camping or exploring in Montana.  Then things changed.  Frank, who was diagnosed with diabetes more than two decades ago, started to suffer from complications.  Nerve damage in his hands and feet made it difficult to ride his motorcycle. That meant the outings would have to be limited to car trips, not too bad.  Gradually our outings became fewer and shorter, and a few years ago, when his kidneys failed, and he started dialysis, pleasure travel almost ceased to exist for us. Our world was shrinking.

Last year Frank received a battery operated scooter from the Veterans Administration. During the time he has spent learning to navigate his new mode of transportation, I have been researching places that we can visit that he can easily access.  True, there are many places that he cannot reach, but I was amazed at just how accessible Montana can be.  It is my hope that I can share this information for others with scooters, wheelchairs or other accessibility tools.

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